Guided tours in the Solsemcave

Solsemcave summer 2024:

There are guided tours in Solsemhula on the following dates, at 1400:

Friday 12.07
Sunday 14.07
Tuesday 16.07
Thursday 18.07
Saturday 20.07
Sunday 21.07
Monday 22.07
Wednesday 24.07
Saturday 27.07
Sunday 28.07
Monday 29.07
Wednesday 31.07
Friday 02.08
Sunday 04.08
Wednesday 07.08
Friday 09.08
Sunday 11.08

We start at 14:00. Meet at the car park in good time. The trip takes approx. 1.5-2 hours.

Adults NOK 200 / 20 Euros
Barn NOK 50 / 5 Euro

Payment is made at VIPPS or with cash, Everyone goes at their own risk.


If you have any questions, please send us a message via Facebook Messenger/Instagram:


More about the Solsemcave

Because cave paintings are rare and extremely
vulnerable forms of rock art, Solsem Cave can
only be visited under the watchful eye of a
guide. The steep entrance has steps and a rope
handrail. The path up to the cave is in rough
terrain, and is unsuitable for disabled people.
You follow the path and visit the cave
at your own risk and responsibility.
A guided trip takes 1½ – 2 hours.




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