Herlaugsløypa Hiking Trail

Round-trip hiking tour in the Leka Mountains:

Waymarked round-trip hiking trail in the Leka Mountains, including magnificent views and many geological treats. Designated by a German travel guide as one of the three most beautiful hiking routes in Scandinavia. Adjoining trail routes to Vattind, Kolsettuva and Hundøyrån are recommended (Note: these routes are not included in the specified distance and hiking time).

This route primarily goes through open mountain terrain with dry and solid hiking surfaces. The trail starts from Struten and goes up Tverrfjellet to Vattind. From Vattind, the route continues to Steinsvatnet Lake, and takes you near the steep western face toward Stein. Fantastic views! Proceed further along a valley with views of the Helgeland islands. From Nordtjønna, you will experience a landscape with incredibly strong colours among the rocky mountainside. During the descent to the northeast of Hundøyrån, you must go down a small scree. The final leg of the route goes along Markavegen road back to the start.

Allow yourself ample time – and perhaps even the entire day – if you want to enjoy the tour and get to see all the recommended highlights. It is easy to be taken by surprise by the coastal fog while up in the mountains. Be sure to use suitable footwear and take along extra food and windproof clothing.

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11 km Rundtur
85 - 418
